Community Round Up: September

A check-in for the end of September

Hello everyone!

September is coming to a close, and October (my birth month) is just on the horizon. Overall, it's finally Fall! My favourite season. When the air gets chilly, the smells are crisp, and I can finally (thank the gods) start wearing sweaters and being wrapped in blankets comfortably. I like being a cozy bitch without overheating.

With October coming up, it also means it'll soon be time for me to draw a whole new set of 13 cards for my personal Year Ahead Spread. I'm excited to see what the new Maverick year holds. On the 3rd of the month, I'll be sure to unveil my new year's theme, my monthly theme, and what I imagine that means for you and me.

In case you missed it,

here are some of the things I've been up to in the last month.

Launch of Channelled Seasonal Messages: Autumn Equinox Edition!

A project I've wanted to get started on for a while. I dreamed of releasing this seasonal series for the equinoxes and solstices on how the Earth's season can be applied to our lives as guidance. You can pick up this audio recording and guidebook in my shop for $15 CAD.

P.S. What I ended up channelling was more than I could've imagined on my own. It is poetic, it is metaphorical, it is clear and it is inspirational.

Listening back to it I had this experience of not feeling the initial "ick" that I usually get hearing my own voice.

Listening back to it I felt like this is what I was meant to do and release into the world.

Tarot Spread Layout for Libra Season is Live!

A free download that joins my growing collection of tarot spread layouts and prompts for each of the zodiacal seasons. (As always feel free to use these as journal qs or prompts for channelled writing. No tarot deck required.)

The Reel Exploration & Voice Experiment Continues...

I have (tentatively) returned to Instagram and have been playing around with Reels and video content over there.

Side note: one of my poems was accepted into Issue 1: Angels of Healthline Zine. I'll be sure to share the link when that is ready for reading & download. For now though, feel free to check out Issue 0: The Climb.

Talk again soon! Sending you the coziest Autumn vibes I can muster.