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Community Check In
Let's dream together
I want to take a moment to remind you that your imagination, your ability to create and dream, are some of the most powerful tools at your disposal in your life’s journey. I strongly believe that we, as humans, are creative beings.
It’s not a gift, it's not a talent, it is innate. Just as trees create oxygen from carbon dioxide, just as honeybees create honey through processing nectar, YOU create your life just by existing.
So I invite you to take a moment to pause.
To take a deep breath in…and out.
If you feel called to do a body scan meditation, take time to do that. And then ask your Self these questions.
You can ask them in your mind and just meditate on them, you can journal and write it out, or you can verbally speak it and record your answers. However, you decide to connect to these questions is your choice.
What does the life that you most desire look like?
What are the core tenets or values of that life?
What could bring that life to reality?
What do you dream of seeing in the world?
How do you want to impact your world?
How do you leave your mark?
When you receive your answers, I invite you to then ask your Self what small step you want to take to start embodying that world you are dreaming of.
How do you imagine you feel when living in that world?
And how can you connect to those feelings now?
I truly believe small steps are all it takes to begin change. Small steps allow our body and mind to begin believing in what our heart knows beyond the programming we’ve received from the capitalist and supremacist culture that continually pressures us.
Feel free to share with me what answers you received if you do try out this exercise, dreaming and creating our world is the most exciting work to me.
Online Booking Is Available
Just a reminder that I accept online booking!
When you use this link to book a Session, you'll see 1-hour slots on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm for the remainder of August. However, come September, I will have Wednesdays (biweekly), as well as Saturday (once a month) available for online booking.
As usual, if you want to book a 90-minute session please contact me directly so that I can ensure I have ample space to be present for you. If you are looking to book a 30 minute Tarot Reading and find none of the times in my schedule quite line up, feel free to reach out as well. I may be able to fit you in somewhere that the schedule doesn’t show.
Till soon,
Maverick Lumen; They/佢
I am currently working, playing, and living as a settler of mixed race on the traditional unceded territory of the sq̓əc̓iy̓aɁɬ təməxʷ (Katzie), Kwantlen, Musqueam, Semiahmoo, S’ólh Téméxw (Stó:lō), sc̓əwaθenaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsawwassen), and Tsleil-Waututh peoples. This is also part of the traditional marine territory of the Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group, which represents several Indigenous groups covering Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, and the lower Fraser River. Find out whose land you're on here.

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